
Happy New Year

Three hundred sixty-five chances to get it “right.” Getting it right doesn’t mean that every day is going to be perfect. In fact, most days are riddled with exhaustion, frustration, and sometimes defeat. BUT GOD! His grace is sufficient for you. His power is made perfect in your WEAKNESS (II Corinthians 12:9) In other words, his empowerment is in you through the gift of the Holy Spirit. Engage that power.

And what about those tough days, weeks, months, or seasons? You can still get it “right.” Choose HIM every day. Take one step at a time, make one healthy decision at a time, and when you falter, because you will, rely on His empowerment to stand back up, shake off the shame and guilt, because he’s paid it all. You are a child of the KING.

Twenty twenty-two, I’m coming for you!

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